SmartBCH Bridge

Exchange your BCH for SmartBCH to participate in DeFi (decentralized finance) on the SmartBCH sidechain.


No money frozen

Only you hold the private key to your wallet. We do not have access to it, so we can never freeze (or take) your funds.

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0 chargebacks

BitcoinCash (BCH) payments can't be reversed. Every payment is permanent which lets you save money on payment fraud detection.

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Instant payments

We support 0-conf for payments in less than a second. Additionally you can setup thresholds to wait for a certain amount of confirmations depending on the payment value.

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URL Shortener

Make money sharing your videos, podcasts and other content. We create a paywall for your links. Payments are remembered 1 year, so users don't have to pay twice for the same link.

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PayPal API Layer

We make merchant migration from PayPal to Bitcoin Cash (BCH) easy and seamless. Our API layer compatibility means small businesses can try out our gateway by simply changing the API endpoint at their existing PayPal integration. No need to invest lots of resources and developer knowledge.

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WordPress plugin

Hide content in your posts using simple shortcodes (such as [hide]) to sell access to download links or videos. Our plugin can also blur images until payment. Create your personal OnlyFans within minutes!

WordPress Plugin »

Instant BitcoinCash (BCH) payments
directly into your own wallet (non-custodial).

Fast and secure low-fee transactions (less than 1 cent) without chargebacks. You let us handle payments 24/7 while your wallet can be entirely offline (cold storage).
Click here for a live demo.

Our Team

Meet the engineers behind Prompt.Cash.

Prompt.Cash Features

More features that set our gateway apart from its competition.

Gateway Pricing

Choose from our flexible pricing model:

0 fees for the 1st year on all tiers! (extended June 2023)

*Guaranteed response time from a developer within 24 hours.

What others say

Here is what others in the Bitcoin Cash space say about our service:

"Prompt.Cash is an amazingly easy way to start accepting Bitcoin Cash."
Roger Ver
World's first Investor in Bitcoin startups including, and more. founder
"Any time I hear of a WordPress site wanting to integrate Bitcoin Cash, I recommend"
Chris Troutner
Senior JavaScript Developer at, Project Lead of, former Senior JavaScript Dev at

Contact Us

We are a young startup working from all around the globe.


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© 2025 Prompt.Cash
Non-custodial BitcoinCash payment gateway